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LESS 使用动态行为(例如变量、混合、操作和函数)扩展 CSS。它允许更紧凑的样式表并有助于减少 CSS 文件中的代码重复。

¥LESS extends CSS with dynamic behavior such as variables, mixins, operations and functions. It allows for more compact stylesheets and helps reduce code duplication in CSS files.

安装 less 包后,应用中的 .less 文件会自动编译为 CSS,结果包含在客户端 CSS 包中。

¥With the less package installed, .less files in your application are automatically compiled to CSS and the results are included in the client CSS bundle.

如果你想要 @import 文件,请为其提供扩展名 .import.less,以防止 Meteor 独立处理它。

¥If you want to @import a file, give it the extension .import.less to prevent Meteor from processing it independently.