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这是 Meteor 版本更改的完整历史记录。

¥This is a complete history of changes for Meteor releases.

Special thanks to




  • 修复 Meteor.userId 仅通过 bindEnvironment 调用的问题。

    ¥Fixed Meteor.userId only being invoked with bindEnvironment.

  • 更新到 Node 20.17.x

    ¥Updated to Node 20.17.x.

  • 修复了 meteor --open 在应用启动之前打开浏览器的问题。

    ¥Fixed an issue where meteor --open opens the browser before the app is started.

  • 调查并解决了安装 jam:method 包时的错误。

    ¥Investigated and addressed the error when installing the jam:method package.

  • 改进了运行应用时有关新可用版本的消息。

    ¥Improved the message for new available versions when running an app.

  • 更新 内的文档链接。

    ¥Updated the documentation link inside

  • 解决了参数更改后订阅停止的问题。

    ¥Resolved the issue where subscriptions stopped after a parameter change.

  • 添加 MongoDB 连接遥测。

    ¥Added MongoDB connection telemetry.

  • 增加 email 软件包以防止更新错误。

    ¥Bumped the email package to prevent update errors.

  • Cordova 包更新

    ¥Cordova package updates


¥Breaking Changes


内部 API 更改

¥Internal API changes

  • 对异步上下文处理方式进行了一些内部更改,以确保更好的性能和垃圾收集。

    ¥Some internal changes to how async contexts are handled, ensuring better performance and garbage collection.


¥Migration Steps


¥Please run the following command to update your project:


meteor update --release 3.0.3

如果你已安装 Meteor 一年多,我们建议你重新安装它以避免任何包安装问题。你可以通过运行几个快速命令来执行此操作:

¥If you've had your Meteor installation for over a year, we suggest reinstalling it to avoid any package installation issues. You can do this by running a few quick commands:

npx meteor uninstall // or rm -rf ~/.meteor
npx meteor

Meteor 版本发布

¥Meteor Version Release

  • Bumped packages

    • accounts-base@3.0.2

    • accounts-password@3.0.2

    • email@3.1.0

    • mongo@2.0.2


¥Special thanks to

Special thanks to




  • 为一些软件包打补丁,因此我们使用 Meteor 3 工具发布它们。PR

    ¥Bump the patch for some packages, so we publish them using Meteor 3 tooling. PR

  • 修复订阅仍然重置文档的问题 PR

    ¥Fix subscription still resetting documents PR

  • 修复 auth sub 在加载时发送两次就绪消息的问题 PR

    ¥Fix auth sub sending ready twice on load PR

  • 从 accounts-twitter 中的 http 包中删除版本约束 PR

    ¥Remove version constraints from http package in accounts-twitter PR

  • 弃用服务器端上的 Meteor.user() 使用 PR

    ¥Deprecate Meteor.user() usage on server side PR


¥Breaking Changes


内部 API 更改

¥Internal API changes



¥Migration Steps


¥Please run the following command to update your project:


meteor update --release 3.0.2

Meteor 版本发布

¥Meteor Version Release

  • Bumped packages

    • accounts-2fa@3.0.1

    • accounts-base@3.0.1

    • accounts-password@3.0.1

    • accounts-twitter@1.5.2

    • ddp-client@3.0.1

    • ddp-common@1.4.4

    • ddp-server@3.0.1

    • email@3.0.1

    • meteor@2.0.1

    • minimongo@2.0.1

    • mongo@2.0.1

    • npm-mongo@4.17.4

    • test-helpers@2.0.1

    • webapp@2.0.1


¥Special thanks to


¥For making this great framework even better!

Special thanks to




  • 为一些软件包打补丁,因此我们使用 Meteor 3 工具发布它们。PR

    ¥Bump the patch for some packages, so we publish them using Meteor 3 tooling. PR


¥Breaking Changes


内部 API 更改

¥Internal API changes



¥Migration Steps


¥Please run the following command to update your project:


meteor update --release 3.0.1

Meteor 版本发布

¥Meteor Version Release

  • Bumped packages

    • accounts-ui-unstyled@1.7.2

    • crosswalk@1.7.3

    • facebook-oauth@1.11.4

    • npm-mongo@4.17.3

    • package-version-parser@3.2.3

    • twitter-config-ui@1.0.2


¥Special thanks to


¥For making this great framework even better!

Special thanks to





¥Breaking Changes

  • Meteor 工具

    ¥Meteor tool

    • 'meteor reset' 命令仅影响本地项目缓存。使用 --db 选项还可以删除本地数据库。

      ¥'meteor reset' command only affects the local project cache. Use --db option to also remove the local database.

  • accounts-2fa@3.0.0

    • 一些方法现在是异步的。见下文:

      ¥Some methods are now async. See below:

    • Accounts._is2faEnabledForUser

    • (Meteor Method) - generate2faActivationQrCode

    • (Meteor Method) - enableUser2fa

    • (Meteor Method) - disableUser2fa

    • (Meteor Method) - has2faEnabled

  • accounts-base@3.0.0

    • methods.removeOtherTokens 现在是异步的

      ¥methods.removeOtherTokens is now async

    • Accounts.destroyToken 现在是异步的

      ¥Accounts.destroyToken is now async

    • Accounts.insertUserDoc 现在是异步的

      ¥Accounts.insertUserDoc is now async

    • Accounts.updateOrCreateUserFromExternalService 现在是异步的

      ¥Accounts.updateOrCreateUserFromExternalService is now async

    • Accounts.expirePasswordToken 现在是异步的

      ¥Accounts.expirePasswordToken is now async

    • Accounts.setupUsersCollection 现在是异步的

      ¥Accounts.setupUsersCollection is now async

    • Meteor.user 现在在服务器中是异步的

      ¥Meteor.user is now async in server

  • accounts-facebook@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • accounts-github@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • accounts-google@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • accounts-meetup@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • accounts-meteor-developer@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • accounts-oauth@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • accounts-password@3.0.0

    • 一些服务器方法现在是异步的:

      ¥Some server methods are now async:

    • Accounts.sendResetPasswordEmail

    • Accounts.sendEnrollmentEmail

    • Accounts.sendVerificationEmail

    • Accounts.addEmail

    • Accounts.removeEmail

    • Accounts.verifyEmail

    • Accounts.createUserVerifyingEmail

    • Accounts.createUser

    • Accounts.generateVerificationToken

    • Accounts.generateResetToken

    • Accounts.forgotPassword

    • Accounts.setPassword - 不再存在,你应该使用 Accounts.setPasswordAsync PR

      ¥Accounts.setPassword -- no longer exists, you should use Accounts.setPasswordAsync PR

    • Accounts.changePassword

    • Accounts.setUsername

    • Accounts.findUserByEmail

    • Accounts.findUserByUsername

  • accounts-passwordless@3.0.0

    • Accounts.sendLoginTokenEmail 现在是异步的。

      ¥Accounts.sendLoginTokenEmail is now async.

  • accounts-twitter@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • accounts-ui-unstyled@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • accounts-ui@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • accounts-weibo@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • allow-deny@2.0.0

    • 更新以接受异步函数。

      ¥Updated to accept async functions.

  • appcache@2.0.0

    • 更新内部 api 以使用 handlers

      ¥Updated internal api to use handlers

  • audit-argument-checks@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • autopublish@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • autoupdate@2.0.0

    • 更新 api 为异步,使用异步排队。

      ¥Updated api to be async, with asyncronous queueing.

  • babel-compiler@8.0.0

    • 删除了 Promise.await 默认转换。

      ¥Removed Promise.await default transform.

    • 将 top-level-await 添加到包。

      ¥Added top-level-await to packages.

  • babel-runtime@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • base64@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • binary-heap@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • 构建系统:

    ¥Build system:

    • 删除 Assets.getText

      ¥removed Assets.getText

    • 删除 Assets.getBinary

      ¥removed Assets.getBinary

  • blaze@3.0.0

    • 待办事项


  • boilerplate-generator-tests@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • boilerplate-generator@2.0.0

    • toHTML 不再可用(已被弃用)。改用 toHTMLStream

      ¥toHTML is no longer available (it was already deprecated). Use toHTMLStream instead.

    • 更新以使用 handlers

      ¥Updated to use handlers

  • browser-policy-common@2.0.0

    • 更新以使用 handlers

      ¥Updated to use handlers

  • browser-policy-content@2.0.0

    • 一些方法现在是异步的。见下文:

      ¥Some methods are now async. See below:

      • BrowserPolicy.content.setPolicy

      • BrowserPolicy.content.allowInlineScripts

      • BrowserPolicy.content.disallowInlineScripts

      • BrowserPolicy.content.disallowAll

      • BrowserPolicy.setDefaultPolicy

  • browser-policy-framing@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • browser-policy@2.0.0:已更新以使用来自 browser-policy-commonbrowser-policy-content 的异步方法。

    ¥browser-policy@2.0.0: Updated to use async methods from browser-policy-common and browser-policy-content.

  • caching-compiler@2.0.0

    • afterLink 现在是异步的。

      ¥afterLink is now async.

    • 已更新以使用现在的异步 API。

      ¥Updated to use now async API.

  • callback-hook@2.0.0

    • 添加 forEachAsync 方法。

      ¥Added forEachAsync method.

  • check@2.0.0

    • 删除了与 fibers 相关的测试。

      ¥Removed fibers related tests.

  • constraint-solver@2.0.0

    • 一些方法现在是异步的。见下文:

      ¥Some methods are now async. See below:

      • ConstraintSolver.getVersionCostSteps

      • ConstraintSolver.analyze

      • ConstraintSolver.resolve

    • 更新测试为异步。

      ¥Updated tests to be async.

    • 删除了一些下划线用法。

      ¥Removed a few underscore usage.

    • 添加更新以使用异步方法

      ¥Added updated to use async methods

  • context@1.0.0

    • 从包中删除了 fibers

      ¥Removed fibers from package.

  • core-runtime@2.0.0

    • 创建包以加载包和应用。

      ¥Created package to load packages and the app.

    • 这是设置运行时的包。

      ¥This is the pakcages that sets up the Runtime.

  • crosswalk@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • ddp-client@3.0.0

    • 添加 isAsyncCall 方法来了解是否由异步方法进行调用。

      ¥Added isAsyncCall method to know if call is being made by a async method.

    • 从包中删除了 fibers

      ¥Removed fibers from package.

    • 更新测试以使用异步方法。

      ¥Updated tests to use async methods.

  • ddp-common@2.0.0

    • 添加 .fence 选项。

      ¥Added .fence option.

  • ddp-rate-limiter@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • ddp-server@3.0.0

    • 已更新以使用异步方法。

      ¥Updated to use async methods.

    • 从包中删除了 fibers

      ¥Removed fibers from package.

    • 更新测试以使用异步方法。

      ¥Updated tests to use async methods.

    • 将服务器实现变为异步。

      ¥Turned server implementation to async.

  • ddp@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • diff-sequence@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • disable-oplog@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • ecmascript-runtime-client@1.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • ecmascript-runtime-server@1.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • ecmascript-runtime@1.0.0

    • @babel/runtime 添加依赖。

      ¥Added dependency to @babel/runtime.

  • ecmascript@1.0.0

    • @babel/runtime 添加依赖。

      ¥Added dependency to @babel/runtime.

    • 移动运行时测试。

      ¥Moved runtime tests.

  • ejson@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • email@3.0.0

    • Email.send 不再可用。改用 Email.sendAsync

      ¥Email.send is no longer available. Use Email.sendAsync instead.

    • 已将类型更新为反射异步方法和 Email.send 弃用。

      ¥Updated types to reflext async methods and Email.send depracation.

  • es5-shim@5.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • facebook-config-ui@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • facebook-oauth@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • facts-base@2.0.0

    • ddp 上的无序依赖设置为 false。

      ¥turned unorderd deps on ddp to false.

  • facts-ui@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • fetch@1.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • force-ssl-common@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • force-ssl@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • geojson-utils@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • github-config-ui@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • github-oauth@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • google-config-ui@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • google-oauth@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • hot-code-push@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • http@

    • 更新处理程序以使用 handlers

      ¥Updated handlers to use handlers

  • id-map@2.0.0

    • 添加 forEachAsync 方法。

      ¥Added forEachAsync method.

  • insecure@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • inter-process-messaging@1.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • launch-screen@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • localstorage@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • logging@2.0.0

    • @babel/runtime 添加依赖。

      ¥Added dependency to @babel/runtime.

  • logic-solver@3.0.0Logic.disablingAssertions 现在是异步的。minMaxWS 现在是异步的。

    ¥logic-solver@3.0.0: Logic.disablingAssertions is now async. minMaxWS is now async.

  • meetup-config-ui@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • meetup-oauth@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • meteor-base@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • meteor-developer-config-ui@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • meteor-developer-oauth@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • meteor-tool@3.0.0

    • 更改 Meteor 应用的创建方式 PR

      ¥Changes to how meteor apps are being created PR

  • meteor@2.0.0

    • 添加了异步本地存储以帮助处理异步方法。

      ¥Async local storage was added to help deal with async methods.

    • 添加 promiseEmmiter 以帮助使用异步方法。

      ¥Added promiseEmmiter to help with async methods.

    • 从包中删除了 fibers

      ¥Removed fibers from package.

    • 本地主机中的 Meteor.absoluteUrl 默认使用 127.0.1

      ¥Meteor.absoluteUrl in localhost uses 127.0.1 by default.

  • minifier-css@2.0.0

    • minifyCss 现在是异步的。

      ¥minifyCss is now async.

    • 从包中删除了 fibers

      ¥Removed fibers from package.

  • minifier-js@3.0.0

    • minifyJs 现在是异步的。

      ¥minifyJs is now async.

    • terserMinify 不再接受回调

      ¥terserMinify no longer takes callbacks

    • 从包中删除了 fibers

      ¥Removed fibers from package.

  • minimongo@2.0.0

    • cursor.observe 现在返回 isReadyisReadyPromise,指示光标是否已准备就绪以及回调是否已被调用。如果你只在 Client 中使用它或将其用作 LocalCollection,则情况没有改变。

      ¥cursor.observe now returns isReady and isReadyPromise wich indicates if the cursor is ready and if the callbacks are have been called. If you only use it in the Client or as a LocalCollection things have not changed.

  • mobile-experience@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • mobile-status-bar@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • modern-browsers@1.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • modules-runtime@1.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • modules@1.0.0

    • 更新 reify 版本。

      ¥Updated reify version.

  • mongo-decimal@

    • 已更新以使用 async 方法。

      ¥Updated to use async methods.

  • mongo-dev-server@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • mongo-id@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • mongo-livedata@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • mongo@2.0.0

    • 已更新以统一方法,updateinsertremovefetch 现在是异步的,它们与 *Async 对应项相同。

      ¥Updated to unify methods, update,insert,remove, fetch are now async, they are the same as their *Async counterpart.

    • ensureIndexcreateIndex 现在是异步的。

      ¥ensureIndex and createIndex are now async.

  • npm-mongo@5.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • oauth-encryption@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • oauth@

    • _endOfPopupResponseTemplate_endOfRedirectResponseTemplate 不再是一个属性,而是一个返回与以前相同值的 promise 的函数

      ¥_endOfPopupResponseTemplate and _endOfRedirectResponseTemplate are no longer a property but now a function that returns a promise of the same value as before

    • 以下服务器方法现在是异步的:

      ¥the following server methods are now async:

    • OAuth._renderOauthResults

    • OAuth._endOfLoginResponse

    • OAuth.renderEndOfLoginResponse

    • OAuth._storePendingCredential

    • OAuth._retrievePendingCredential

    • ensureConfigured

    • _cleanStaleResults

  • oauth@3.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • oauth1@

    • 以下服务器方法现在是异步的:

      ¥the following server methods are now async:

    • OAuth._storeRequestToken

    • OAuth._retrieveRequestToken

  • oauth1@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • oauth2@

    • OAuth._requestHandlers['2'] 现在是异步的。

      ¥OAuth._requestHandlers['2'] is now async.

  • oauth2@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • ordered-dict@2.0.0

    • 添加 forEachAsync 方法。

      ¥Added forEachAsync method.

  • package-stats-opt-out@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • package-version-parser@4.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • promise@1.0.0

    • 删除了 fibers 用法

      ¥Removed fibers usage

  • random@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • rate-limit@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • reactive-dict@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • reactive-var@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • reload-safetybelt@2.0.0

    • ecmascript 包添加到 package.js

      ¥Added ecmascript package to package.js

  • reload@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • retry@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • routepolicy@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • server-render@1.0.0

    • 已更新 getBoilerplate 的使用情况,现在为 async

      ¥Updated usage with getBoilerplate that are now async.

  • service-configuration@2.0.0

    • 更新以使用 createIndexAsync

      ¥Updated to use createIndexAsync.

  • session@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • sha@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • shell-server@1.0.0

    • 已更新以处理 promise 结果。

      ¥Updated to handle promises results.

  • socket-stream-client@1.0.0

    • 更新测试以处理 async 代码。

      ¥Updated tests to handle async code.

  • spiderable@

    • 更新处理程序以使用现在使用 express 的 handlers

      ¥Updated handlers to use handlers that are now using express

    • 如果标志设置为 true,则删除 fibers 用法

      ¥removed fibers usage if flag is set to true

  • standard-minifier-css@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • standard-minifier-js@3.0.0

    • processFilesForBundle 现在是 async

      ¥processFilesForBundle is now async.

  • standard-minifiers@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • static-html@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • test-helpers@2.0.0

    • 已更新以使用 async 方法。

      ¥Updated to use async methods.

    • 删除了 fibers 用法。

      ¥Removed fibers usage.

    • 添加了使用 async 测试的可能性。

      ¥Added possibliy to use async tests.

  • test-in-browser@2.0.0

    • 更新 css 为夜间模式。

      ¥Updated css to be in dark mode.

  • test-in-console@2.0.0

    • 更新日志标识。

      ¥Updated log identation.

  • test-server-tests-in-console-once@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • tinytest-harness@1.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • tinytest@2.0.0

    • test name 添加到日志。

      ¥Added test name to logs.

    • 删除了 fibers 用法。

      ¥Removed fibers usage.

  • twitter-config-ui@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • twitter-oauth@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • typescript@5.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • underscore-tests@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • underscore@2.0.0

    • 删除了 Meteor 包中的依赖。

      ¥Removed dependency in meteor package.

  • url@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • webapp-hashing@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • webapp@2.0.0

    • 这些方法现在是异步的:

      ¥These methods are now async:

      • WebAppInternals.reloadClientPrograms()

      • WebAppInternals.pauseClient()

      • WebAppInternals.generateClientProgram()

      • WebAppInternals.generateBoilerplate()

      • WebAppInternals.setInlineScriptsAllowed()

      • WebAppInternals.enableSubresourceIntegrity()

      • WebAppInternals.setBundledJsCssUrlRewriteHook()

      • WebAppInternals.setBundledJsCssPrefix()

      • WebAppInternals.getBoilerplate

    • 将引擎从 connect 更改为 express,并将 api 命名更改为与 express 匹配。见下文:

      ¥Changed engine from connect to express and changed api naming to match express. See below:

    • WebApp.connectHandlers.use(middleware) 现在是 WebApp.handlers.use(middleware)

      ¥WebApp.connectHandlers.use(middleware) is now WebApp.handlers.use(middleware)

    • WebApp.rawConnectHandlers.use(middleware) 现在是 WebApp.rawHandlers.use(middleware)

      ¥WebApp.rawConnectHandlers.use(middleware) is now WebApp.rawHandlers.use(middleware)

    • WebApp.connectApp 现在是 WebApp.expressApp

      ¥WebApp.connectApp is now WebApp.expressApp

    • WebApp.addRuntimeConfigHook 接受异步回调

      ¥WebApp.addRuntimeConfigHook accepts async callbacks

  • weibo-config-ui@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

  • weibo-oauth@2.0.0

    • 由于依赖更新,包被提升。未进行任何代码更改。

      ¥Package was bumped due to a dependency update. No code changes were made.

新的公共 API

¥New Public API

  • Build system PR:

    • Assets.getTextAsync

    • Assets.getBinaryAsync

  • accounts-base:(2.9+)

    • Meteor.userAsync()
  • callback-hook:forEachAsync

    • forEachAsync
  • ddp-server:(2.8+)

    • Meteor.callAsync()
  • minifier-css:(2.9+)

    • CssTools.minifyCssAsync()
  • mongo

    • Mongo.Collection:(2.8+)

      • createCappedCollectionAsync

      • createIndexAsync

      • dropCollectionAsync

      • dropIndexAsync

      • findOneAsync

      • insertAsync

      • removeAsync

      • updateAsync

      • upsertAsync

    • Collection.Cursor:(2.8+)

      • countAsync

      • fetchAsync

      • forEachAsync

      • mapAsync

      • [Symbol.asyncIterator] 因此此代码应该可以工作:

        ¥[Symbol.asyncIterator] so this code should work:

        for await (const document of collection.find(query, options)) /* ... */

内部 API 更改

¥Internal API changes


  • _attemptLogin

  • _loginMethod

  • _runLoginHandlers

  • node-gyp 升级到 v9.4.0

    ¥Upgraded node-gyp to v9.4.0

  • node-pre-gyp 升级到 @mapbox/node-pre-gyp v1.0.11

    ¥Upgraded node-pre-gyp to @mapbox/node-pre-gyp v1.0.11

新的内部 API

¥New Internal API


  • Accounts._checkPasswordAsync


¥Special thanks to


¥For making this great framework even better!